Friday, March 30, 2007

Sing, City: The Recording Part One

Today marks the first day of our recording sessions- I'm sitting here my laptop at my desk, planning today's arrangement and the things I need to do for the recording. It's been quite nightmarish- planning out the schedule on my little excel spreadsheet trying to map out everyone's schedule which just happens to clash with Pennyo's Spring concert and pretty much everyone else's Gettysburg trip, homework deadlines, meeting schedules etc. Nonetheless- forge ahead with great strength!

Looking at my master plan for the recording, it just struck me that we actually have 20 tracks- will it fit on the cd?

Will the recording go smoothly? Will Terence's furry mic be of sufficient quality? Will my primitive software mix and hold up well enough? Will ppl be on time and punctual so as not to mess up my schedule? Will it? Will it? More questions, and fewer answers.

Excitement nonetheless!

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