Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Musicians Bios - Part 1

I've seen some of the official bios about our musicians, and they don't really state who these people REALLY are. So here's my own take on the musicians in Sing, City!:

Ben Gan (Bass):
Having appeared topless in SG showbiz mag 8 Days before, Ben Gan is the sole semi-celebrity in the musical. He also claims to have been first asked for his autograph when he was 9 years old. A Swim Shady, Ben has played to NYE countdown audiences, and is recognized in most parts of Singapore. For that reason, he travels incognito to Singapore under the name "Wei Gan", and removes tags of himself on Facebook photos. He hopes to earn big bucks one day in a small hedge fund.

Wymen (lead guitar):
Wymen is Penn's best Malaysian guitarist (and bassist and pianist and singer as well). His prior performing experience on campus was as part of the seminal Southeast Asian student band, snami8, where he played John Mayer songs exclusively. Ever since he bought his Fender Stratocaster and moved to Left Bank (away from the temptation of transfering to Wharton), his guitar skills have improved by leaps and bounds, and in his free time, he plays scorching solos that set his upholstery on fire. He plans to expand his repertoire by exploring the art of guitar-smashing, but thankfully has decided to wait until the end of the Sing, City! musical to do so.

Yaoxiang (piano):
YX is the resident techie, and he has managed to fix everything that he has ever broken before. Classically trained by a fascist music instructor, YX initially had difficulty adjusting to Caleb's free-flowing style, but now, he too, plays scorching solos on the piano, often fighting with Wymen for the right to be the alpha-male in the group. Behind the veneer of chirpiness is a perfectionist. You can often hear him practicing entire piano concertos during breaks. He aspires to be a philanthropic rich dude like Bill Gates.

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