Tuesday, March 13, 2007


Ignore Josh's rant about not being able to write with Alfian Sa'at present. JOSH! You have to instill some confidence in your troops!

Anyway, just another update - the official *new* Club SG tshirts came in today, all 100 of them, smelling like how fresh cotton smells... mmmm...I have to say I'm mighty pleased with them, I would easily pay $30 - $40 for something like that. All thanks to Yaoxiang (Paul)'s Photoshop skills. Don't worry, you'll be able to get your hands on them shortly! All profits go toward covering the massive costs of our Broadway-esque production.

On the musical side of things, my new bronze guitar strings also arrived in the mail today, smelling like the old bronze statue that I climbed onto in Cuba to take a group photo. Can't wait to restring the acoustic and bang out a couple of good ol' John Mayer tunes.

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