Sunday, March 11, 2007

Ah-hah my first post, and the second on this blog!

This entire project has been nothing short of exciting to the max, and I'm really looking forward to shownight itself.

It's funny how the project has also started to take on a life of its own- it's started to really look like real life, and at some points, I must say that art crosses over into reality, and many of the songs, emotions, characters, situations are looking like people I really know. Dealing with the shock of 'racial segregation' in Yellow People, the stress and concern of a parent in Prayer for My Daughter, the bittersweet pain and wistful longing of a breakup in I Was Fine, and even the romantic nostalgia and recollection of After All This Time- all of these are based on figments of truth and reallife experiences. I for one, cannot look at some of the characters and hear their lines without some stirring of a distant memory not too long ago in my mind.

Well, 'nuff said for now. Enjoy!

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