Monday, April 2, 2007

Sing, City: The Soundtrack Parts Two and Three

Part Two:
Recording was tiring. 20 songs is no joke. But special thanks to Terence and, for his tripod, mic and techy stuff. Thanks also to musicians and cast for being splendid on tape!

I was really pleasantly surprised by the quality of the music, and thanks to garageband and audacity, it's quite well balanced. I can't get rid of the hissing sound, simply because we didn't record in a studio, but it's decent, for what it is. I'm excited!

Part Three:
But we're finally done! We should have it out by this week! Email me at for inquiries! And the dilemma of the week is: should it be produced on CD, or simply hosted on a website and sold for rights to download. Hmm...

Also, thank you Filip for Noodle Night! Sweet Potato Porridge!

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